Course Summary
The professional Dispatcher role is vital to the delivery of public-safety services.
A Dispatcher's role is "vital" to the safety and well-being of every officer in-the-field.
How the dispatcher performs their duties reaches far beyond sending units on calls for service. The dispatcher's skills help maintain officer safety and serves as a "safety net" in times of trouble.
The radio dispatcher has multiple responsibilities that must be performed with skill and expertise simultaneously.
Among them are:
- Setting the tone. The dispatcher's tone, volume, inflection, pitch, and word choice all affect how a message is received. Those who sound competent on the radio will be perceived that way, even by officers who do not know them.
- Communication of information clearly via established protocols in plain English and accepted Signal codes.
- Controlled use of radio airtime by following the ABC's of dispatch of being accurate, brief, and clear.
- Anticipate the needs of field units.
- Concentrate and eliminate distractions
- Assist officers and fulfill requests in a prioritized and timely manner.
This course covers the salient "must know and be conversant on" techniques every professional 911 emergency dispatcher should be well-trained on and much more....
Course Syllabus
Dispatcher: Radio Techniques
- Course Goals and Objectives
- Introduction by Jim Keaton
- Officer Safety
- Call Control and Dissemination
- Basic Dispatch Format
- Radio Terminology
- Module Assessment