CLEET Accredited
Cloud-Based Training Course Catalog

Surviving a Police Career in Modern Times [24-2001]
Surviving a Police Career in Modern Times [24-2001]

SUMMARY Law enforcement is under a microscope. Law enforcement immunity has been removed. In the U.S., the profession is the most litigated against and pays out the most settlements....

Crisis Intervention: Mental/Behavioral Health Response [24-2101]
Crisis Intervention: Mental/Behavioral Health Response [24-2101]

Overall General Course Goal(s): 1. Understand the context of mental illness within the policing milieu 2. Review criminal justice intervention in cases involving the mentally ill...

The Complex Duties of a Sergeant [24-2121]
The Complex Duties of a Sergeant [24-2121]

This course breaks from the normal convention of online training, and takes 3 veteran Sergeant law enforcement officers sitting down in a podcast style presentation talking about the...

Bias/Implicit Bias Training [24-1562]
Bias/Implicit Bias Training [24-1562]

Often, the focus of police or jailer/correctional training emphasizes a warrior mentality among officers. This predetermined mindset sets up an approach that can work to the detriment...

De-Escalation of Interpersonal Conflict [24-2002]
De-Escalation of Interpersonal Conflict [24-2002]

In human relations, nothing works every time and there is no communicative prescription that will always be effective. That said, our study of social science and our own deep experience...

Courtroom Testimony for Officers [24-2006]
Courtroom Testimony for Officers [24-2006]

Law enforcement officers work long hours on investigations. When a case they worked on goes to trial, they want to win. They're confident that nothing can go wrong. They show up, answer...

Duty to Intervene [24-1592]
Duty to Intervene [24-1592]

As a law enforcement officer, you have sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution and defend the rights of your fellow citizens. In recent years, many advocates have...

Dispatcher - Managing Stress and Officer in Trouble Calls [24-2059]
Dispatcher - Managing Stress and Officer in Trouble Calls [24-2059]

Stress is a multifaceted concept that manifests in various ways, impacting both physical and mental well-being. One aspect of stress is its role in emergency communications, where it...

Leadership and Management Strategies for Law Enforcement [24-2044]
Leadership and Management Strategies for Law Enforcement [24-2044]

The most effective police leaders in today's complex world of law enforcement and public safety must understand how police officers throughout their entire organization think and feel....

Cultural and Human Diversity [24-2019]
Cultural and Human Diversity [24-2019]

Cultural diversity is vital and should not be considered an option in the 21st century workplace. Human and cultural diversity issues remain at the forefront in many aspects of American...

Baiting the Police: Response to Constitutionally Protected Activity [24-2020]
Baiting the Police: Response to Constitutionally Protected Activity [24-2020]

Today, nearly every person has a video camera with them at all times in the form of a smartphone. Many of these phones have comparable video recording capability as professional production...

360 Degrees of Policing [24-1956]
360 Degrees of Policing [24-1956]

Law enforcement is under a microscope. Law enforcement immunity has been removed. In the U.S., the profession is the most litigated against and pays out the most settlements. These...

Evidence Storage and Custodian Training [24-2145]
Evidence Storage and Custodian Training [24-2145]

It is the purpose of this course to train evidence custodians and their respective supervisors on the storage, collection, packaging, documentation, audits, destruction, testimony in...

U.S. Supreme Court Legal Updates (2019-2021) [24-2100]
U.S. Supreme Court Legal Updates (2019-2021) [24-2100]

Ground zero of effective policing is understanding the "legal boundaries" of the law in the United States. The United States Supreme Court (USSC) regularly hears cases that can, and...

Use of Force [24-2005]
Use of Force [24-2005]

This Use of Force course provides officers with a sound roadmap for the preparation needed to navigate the complex interplay of law, human nature, physical ability, and specific weapon...

Officer Survival Techniques [24-2102]
Officer Survival Techniques [24-2102]

We cannot predict when our safety or survival will be threatened next but we can accurately predict it WILL be threatened repeatedly during the course of our police careers. Many...

Human Relations for Law Enforcement [24-2027]
Human Relations for Law Enforcement [24-2027]

This course will discuss the why and how of Community Oriented Policing. Addressing why developing support and trust inside of our communities will help all agencies protect and...

Emotional Intelligence for Law Enforcement [24-2062]
Emotional Intelligence for Law Enforcement [24-2062]

Our decisions and behaviors are the product of two minds: one logical and one emotional. Emotional intelligence (EI) is about understanding, recognizing, and managing emotions. This...

Critical Stress During Critical Times [24-2043]
Critical Stress During Critical Times [24-2043]

This class, Critical Stress During Critical Times, is the byproduct of a grant that was received by the Virginia Peer Support Association. This class is the summation of three one-day...

Introduction to Peer Support with Dr Byron Greenberg [24-2099]
Introduction to Peer Support with Dr Byron Greenberg [24-2099]

Peer supporters are a vital component of any contemporary department. Your decision to be a peer supporter is a statement about you and your department's choice of you as a peer supporter....

Workplace Violence: General Employees [24-2003]
Workplace Violence: General Employees [24-2003]

What do we really know about workplace violence? What causes workplace violence and what are the real odds you'll ever be involved in such a situation? Workplace violence has become...

Workplace Violence: Leadership [24-2004]
Workplace Violence: Leadership [24-2004]

Workplace violence can erupt anywhere at any time. However, there are clues that should be paid attention to, if understood. As a leader, manager, or supervisor, your role is critical...

Understanding, Confronting, Eliminating Workplace Harassment [24-2047]
Understanding, Confronting, Eliminating Workplace Harassment [24-2047]

Why is it important to learn about workplace harassment? Because it's a problem that affects everyone. We all have a role to play in creating a safe and harassment-free workplace. By...

Dispatcher: Professionalism and Crisis Calls [24-2045]
Dispatcher: Professionalism and Crisis Calls [24-2045]

Overall General Course Goal(s): 1. The goal of this course to enable participants to understand professionalism and the behaviors and attitudes that create command bearing. 2. ...

Dispatcher: Radio Techniques [24-2061]
Dispatcher: Radio Techniques [24-2061]

The professional Dispatcher role is vital to the delivery of public-safety services. A Dispatcher's role is "vital" to the safety and well-being of every officer in-the-field. How...

Dispatcher - Acts of Violence - Active Shooter Incidents [24-2060]
Dispatcher - Acts of Violence - Active Shooter Incidents [24-2060]

In the context of handling acts of violence and active shooter incidents, dispatchers play a crucial role in ensuring officer safety and effective response coordination. These situations...

So, You Want to be a Dispatcher? [24-2107]
So, You Want to be a Dispatcher? [24-2107]

Many applicants for a dispatcher position think, "I can answer the phone. How hard can it be? Isn't it just taking a few calls and sending the police where they need to go?" The answers...

Inmate Manipulation In Correctional Facilities [24-2046]
Inmate Manipulation In Correctional Facilities [24-2046]

This course is about protecting you, the correctional officer, from inmate manipulation and games. It is hard enough to work in a correctional facility without dealing with the games...

Leadership and Stress: Correctional Officers Training [24-1999]
Leadership and Stress: Correctional Officers Training [24-1999]

Module 1: Leadership Most people do not realize, nor do they want to know, what an average day for a correctional officer looks like. Many of the future employees are young, are used...

Managing Trauma: Survivors Guilt and Suicide (Leadership) [24-2093]
Managing Trauma: Survivors Guilt and Suicide (Leadership) [24-2093]

Overall General Course Goal(s): The goals of this course is to help first responders cope with acute trauma and lessen the long-term traumas first responders are exposed to while on...

Managing Trauma: Survivors Guilt and Suicide (Staff) [24-2094]
Managing Trauma: Survivors Guilt and Suicide (Staff) [24-2094]

Overall General Course Goal(s): The goals of this course is to help first responders cope with acute trauma and lessen the long-term traumas first responders are exposed to while on...

Body Cameras / On-Officer Camera Systems [24-2036]
Body Cameras / On-Officer Camera Systems [24-2036]

This course on On-Officer Camera Systems, commonly referred to as "Police Worn Body Cameras", is authored by a leading national subject matter expert Eric Daigle. The course provides...

Bloodborne Pathogens [24-2058]
Bloodborne Pathogens [24-2058]

Overall General Course Goal(s): Goal 1: To instruct officers on the different bloodborne pathogens. Goal 2: To instruct officers about the several ways in which bloodborne pathogens...

Jail Suicide Prevention [24-2123]
Jail Suicide Prevention [24-2123]

The United States has the highest number of incarcerated individuals in the industrialized countries of the world. A sizable proportion of these incarcerated individuals also have serious...

Police and Liability: A Government Leaders Perspective [24-2131]
Police and Liability: A Government Leaders Perspective [24-2131]

Today's front-line officers face new challenges. They may feel administrators hold them to impossible standards in training and tactics. From the public, they may get distrust and find...

Policing Challenged Individuals: Autism/Alzheimer's [24-2439]
Policing Challenged Individuals: Autism/Alzheimer's [24-2439]

This course is a combination of 2 courses which can also be purchased separately. The 2 course are: Alzheimer's: A Basic Understanding, and, Autism 101. Overall General Course Goal(s):...

Maintaining Mental Health in Law Enforcement [old O.K. course. Do not use for O.K.]
Maintaining Mental Health in Law Enforcement [old O.K. course. Do not use for O.K.]

Law enforcement is an exciting and challenging career. It has a wide appeal and draws people from all walks of life, yet few people stop to think about why they are drawn to this field....

Cybercrime Insight for Law Enforcement [24-2514]
Cybercrime Insight for Law Enforcement [24-2514]

In today's web connected, social networking, smartphone, phishing and hacking cybercriminal world in which we all live-in and struggle with, this is a must course for law enforcement...

Clery Act Reporting for CSA [24-2438]
Clery Act Reporting for CSA [24-2438]

Cultural diversity is vital and should not be considered an option in the 21st century workplace. All Universities that offer any level of federal financial aid must comply with...

Interpersonal Management Program and Communications (IMPACT) Section 1 [24-2640]
Interpersonal Management Program and Communications (IMPACT) Section 1 [24-2640]

There have been NO meaningful standards and few fixed expectations for law enforcement officer performance in the critical skill domain of officer-citizen communication. Because good...

Interpersonal Management Program and Communications (IMPACT) Section 2 [24-2641]
Interpersonal Management Program and Communications (IMPACT) Section 2 [24-2641]

In this section, Section 2, the student will see a series of verbally combative situations as well as three potential law enforcement officer responses for each. One of these responses...

Interpersonal Management Program and Communications (IMPACT) Section 3 [24-2642]
Interpersonal Management Program and Communications (IMPACT) Section 3 [24-2642]

In this section, Section 3, the student will see a series of verbally combative situations as well as three potential law enforcement officer responses for each. One of these responses...

Interpersonal Management Program and Communications (IMPACT) Section 4 [24-2643]
Interpersonal Management Program and Communications (IMPACT) Section 4 [24-2643]

In this section, Section 4, the student will see a series of verbally combative situations as well as three potential law enforcement officer responses for each. One of these responses...

Interpersonal Management Program and Communications (IMPACT) Section 5 [24-2644]
Interpersonal Management Program and Communications (IMPACT) Section 5 [24-2644]

In this section, Section 5, the student will see a series of verbally combative situations as well as three potential law enforcement officer responses for each. One of these responses...

Facing Suicide: Important Insights [24-2431]
Facing Suicide: Important Insights [24-2431]

The CDC is approaching suicide as a public health crisis because the rate in the United States has been on the rise since about 1999. Across the US, suicide kills more people than car...